200 research outputs found

    Hambatan Ekonomis dalam Konservasi Tanah pada Lahan Kering Miring

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    IndonesianDesa Cikupa yang merupakan salah satu desa dibagian hulu DAS Citanduy, sebagian besar lahan pertaniannya merupakan lahan kering dengan topografi miring (diatas 20 persen). Pengusahaan tanah kering didesa ini umumnya bersifat subsistem dan tidak mengindahkan tehnik konservasi tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dilalaikannya konservasi tanah terutama disebabkan oleh kurangnya kemampuan ekonomi petani untuk membiayai keperluan yang dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakan pembuatan teras (sengsedak) secara baik

    Pengelolaan Irigasi di DAS Cimanuk suatu Tinjauan Ekologis dan Sosial Ekonomis

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    IndonesianStudi mengenai pengelolaan irigasi secara luas tidak saja mencakup persoalan teknis, tetapi juga mencakup persoalan ekologis dan sosial ekonomis. Hasil penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa ciri-ciri sistem irigasi dan pengelolaannya berbeda antara daerah bagian hulu dan hilir daerah aliran sungai (DAS). Perbedaan ciri tersebut menyangkut masalah penyediaan dan pembagian air irigasi, partisipasi petani dan masalah kelembagaan pengelolaan irigasi ditingkat petani. Dibandingkan dengan irigasi dibagian hulu DAS, penyediaan air irigasi dan pembagiaannya dibagian hilir DAS lebih sulit. Perbedaan kemampuan dalam penyediaan dan pembagian air antara irigasi di daerah hulu dan hilir ini, merupakan cermin dari akibat kerusakan ekologis dibagian hulu DAS. Beberapa masalah sosial ekonomi yang perlu mendapat perhatian pada sistem irigasi berskala besar dibagian hilir DAS Cimanuk (Sistem Irigasi Rentang) adalah masalah kepatuhan dalam mengikuti jadwal giliran air, masalah partisipasi petani dalam iuran dan pemeliharaan jaringan iriagsi, dan masalah kelembagaan pengelolaan irigasi. Berfungsinya kelembagaan irigasi baru sperti P3A (Perkumpulan Petani Pemakai Air) dipengaruhi oleh penampilan kelembagaan tradisional yang sebelumnya telah ada (seperti: Raksabumi) dan tergantung pula dari kesulitan yang dihadapi petani dalam pengelolaan irigasi

    Association between hepatitis B co-infection and elevated liver stiffness among HIV-infected adults in Lusaka, Zambia

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    In sub-Saharan Africa, liver disease epidemiology among HIV-infected individuals is not well described, in part due to limited access to diagnostic tests for liver fibrosis

    Association between hepatitis B infection and elevated liver stiffness among HIV-infected adults in Lusaka, Zambia

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    OBJECTIVE To describe the liver disease epidemiology among HIV-infected individuals in Zambia. METHODS We recruited HIV-infected adults (≥18 years) at antiretroviral therapy initiation at two facilities in Lusaka. Using vibration controlled transient elastography we assessed liver stiffness, a surrogate for fibrosis/cirrhosis, and analyzed liver stiffness measurements (LSM) according to established thresholds (>7.0 kPa for significant fibrosis and >11.0 kPa for cirrhosis). All participants underwent standardized screening for potential causes of liver disease including chronic hepatitis B (HBV) and C virus co-infection, herbal medicine, and alcohol use. We used multivariable logistic regression to identify factors associated with elevated liver stiffness. RESULTS Among 798 HIV-infected patients, 651 had a valid LSM (median age, 34 years; 53% female). HBV co-infection (12%) and alcohol use disorders (41%) were common and hepatitis C virus co-infection (7.0 kPa (all P11.0 kPa. Among HIV-HBV patients, those with elevated ALT and HBV viral load were more likely to have significant liver fibrosis than patients with normal markers of HBV activity. CONCLUSIONS HBV co-infection was the most important risk factor for liver fibrosis and cirrhosis and should be diagnosed early in HIV care to optimize treatment outcomes. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    How Many Peas in a Pod? Legume Genes Responsible for Mutualistic Symbioses Underground

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    The nitrogen-fixing symbiosis between legume plants and Rhizobium bacteria is the most prominent plant–microbe endosymbiotic system and, together with mycorrhizal fungi, has critical importance in agriculture. The introduction of two model legume species, Lotus japonicus and Medicago truncatula, has enabled us to identify a number of host legume genes required for symbiosis. A total of 26 genes have so far been cloned from various symbiotic mutants of these model legumes, which are involved in recognition of rhizobial nodulation signals, early symbiotic signaling cascades, infection and nodulation processes, and regulation of nitrogen fixation. These accomplishments during the past decade provide important clues to understanding not only the molecular mechanisms underlying plant–microbe endosymbiotic associations but also the evolutionary aspects of nitrogen-fixing symbiosis between legume plants and Rhizobium bacteria. In this review we survey recent progress in molecular genetic studies using these model legumes